Wow.. i never though they would be able to do that even tho i dont belive it.
Cheers man.. i apreaciate it looks AWSOME!
Like wtf? No offence america, but you got some ****ed up people in your country.. Who the **** goes round saying **** like that, HE ACTED GAY!...
QUEENSLAND BROO There the best team going.. Ahh it will be a good game.. i got my jersy out and on already.. But ye Vote queensland there way...
I talked to macka while he was making this, he put alot of effort into this.. Really good map was one of the first to play it.. it is really worth...
Well to be honest... I think every bit of what macka said is true.. Like We wouldn't be in this whole mess if it wasnt for bush and howard...
Helllooo peps
Har har
this is a great map, But makes me kinda dysi after a while, playing 10 sensativity and all.. i cant play this map for more than 10 mins... but all...
Well hopefully they will let you get achivements.. but i dunno.. well we will see when it comes out wont we?