the map itself is pretty crappy quality, i would suggest making a v2. But as for the idea, i think its great, you did a good job of making it as...
I see what your saying Zombievillan, i guess what i should say is just that ive never quite understood the mlg... mindset i guess you could say....
Thats an easy way to get yourself hated in forgehub. Never try to insult someone after they say something about your map, no matter how pathetic...
idk, i just have a hard time being impressed by any mlg style map, there all just so boring. They all have the same basic feel, two bases,...
everything about this is incredible, simply incredible. Personally though i think the robe/cloth doesnt look quite right, almost as if its...
30 seconds does seem a bit ridiculous, a fusion coil every 2 seconds? Maybe more like 1 minute
its incredible, absolutely incredible. I can't imagine the amount of effort it took to get those pieces to all match up when they are different...
although the map is beautiful, you will not be getting a download from me because of that stupid part with the gaps in it, that absolutely ruins a...
i like the layout, it looks and feels a lot like narrows. The only issue is that there really isnt anything to combat the banshee, sure, maybe two...
although the map is forged incredibly well and i love the concept, it seems like the gameplay would be very frustrating, trying to jump up as your...
oh, ha, yea, it was in the description, lol, i guess i missed it. Yeah, if you ran out of a budget i guess there isnt much you can do to make it...
i love the idea, and im suprised no one has thought of it before now that i think about it. The big issue is the interlocking, i realize its gonna...
the one thing that really stuck out to me was the aesthetics, sure, going around the guardian tower is crazy enough in itself, but i thought the...
i cant really get a forge overview, since the level is in the back corner i cant take a shot from over it, or from the side really
I have added a overview of my map Facility P435 which you asked for, I hope it clarifies things for you, although i can't guarantee it, the...
im working on trying to make one in paint, ill see if i can have it up by tommorow night, its more difficult than you would think cuz my mouse is...
I see the spot your talking about, and I'm not sure if it will cause grenade loss, because that space is already there in the default maps...
Facility P435 After learning about the ghost merging glitch I started experimenting around with what I could do with it. I tried a few things on...
For your first map, this is very very good. Sure, its not the most complicated layout, but the forging in this is much neater than most peoples...
i agree with Phreakie, dont get me wrong, it is forged very very well, im not saying it isnt or anything, but the overall layout is very average.