Ah, the ewok homeworld inhabited by grunts? Heresy! you will be executed by the high council of the ewok masters!
This looks cool, but I definately see a few big issues with it. first off, couldn't you simply stand up against the fence box and be safe from...
Well... welcome to forgehub! If there really is proof you stole this map, shame on you. If, however, these presumptuous bastards are all wrong,...
Duh. i'll put it in a cryogenic freezer? "your cake's atomic structure will slow to the point of no motion! Eat up."
angryface? whatever, my school is selling cheesecakes... want one???
hello thar.
yes, in fact, you can has reconz. all you have to do is ask sargeant sarcasm. oh, and send me 20 dollars for telling you how.
no offense meant to your sexy rank color
seems like a mix of the old programmer color mixed with a boring shade of blue-gray.
special staff for you?
yavi, you actually got a job?
hey alby, i know exactly what we could do for a map!
First post!!!!!1!!1!!!11!!one!!1
hai forge
what was up with specops? i've seen him in alot of ppls shoutboxes being teh douche