WOW! You completely changed the geometry of the map! A-MAZ-ING
Looks Awesome Dl Here!
Looks awesome. I'm big into aestheic. Even if I can't spell it.
Good idea, but wasn't everybody a peaceful hippie and it was good music?
Well I counter acted ur vote. Sort of. Okay, most people like it, good.
No one got the stonehenge thing? It's Spinal Tap!! 18" stonehenge replica? Midgets dancing around it and almost crushing it? My disbelief is...
I appreciate the suggestion, but they are supposed to be able to get out, in case a person is camping (especially LMS), and vice versa.
Fixed now, Bigger pix.
Download map Download gametype Backstory: "I thought our fans loved us! Why are they throwing stuff?" This is a small infection map. The...
A tip Just a tip- Don't give names that are other maps from h1 and 2, or people will think it's a remake and won't open it. Looks good, though.
As with a lot of people, I've never seen your name written down anywhere. And I made this alone.
The word is up! The news is out! They finally founde me! A renegade, who had it made, come read all about me!
Yes, Zack.
After editing and re-editing this about 5,000 times, I've made the map as good as I think I can get it.This is an objective-based map created for...