Yo, so I can't participate in this nights TGIF because i've gotta go to my senior banquet. Ill be back around 1130-12, and was wonderin' if anyone...
wow. thats cool. i wish i can be like you someday.
i know people do, i just wondered if anyone on here does. I'm also quite bored out of my mind and have quite a buzz right now, so I figured why...
I guess this doesn't just pertain to Halo 3, but does anyone else besides me enjoy packin' a lip while playin' xbox live?! It's so good!
honestly, i think this is awesome, and hilarious. def gonna dl. good job!
And you my friend, are what we call an asshole.
this map is mad fun, for a lot of different gametypes. I enjoy every match!
ive got one w/ a floor. discovered this when the maps came out. me and a buddy have a floored version. Its mad useful. Imagine foundry, but...
i think i'd give it a try.
If anyone wants to play any ForgeHub gametypes, send me a f/r now. I will be on now through 10 PM, eastern time. It is now 430 PM. I want to play...