Finish The Dump!!! [IMG]
You have to do it VERY CAREFULLY!!!!!!
I was going to, but it wouldve ruined the flow ofthe game. Maybe I'll experiment.....
Encaved By Digital Kill3r (my GT) Basically, Encaved is a special kind of map. Its meant for ALL Team Slayer and Capture the Flag gametypes...
Oh well, your loss.....
Thank for actually wanting to give it a shot while other people talk about the map like theyve played it. If you havnt played it, dont judge it!
Silent Night By Digital Kill3r (my GT) Step into the darkness of the Jungle where spooks and scares await you. Fight in the night where the...
Ok first off buddy I dont care if its 2142 I put 224 cuz it sounds cool. Second, it aint borin cuz I just got tested it out with a couple of...
Battlefield 224 By Digital Kill3r (my GT) Enter the Battlefield in my new map Battlefield 224 This map was inspired by the famous...
Oh well then. It took me a while to get those with XBL bad service today so be greatful I actually got them. >:(
NOW the screens are bigggg. DL NAO
I fixed the screenshots, There a bit small though.
Just go to and view my screenshots if u cant see the pics
Whats wrong with it. I put screenshots, info, weapons, and gametypes. What more do u want?
TRIPPY BY Digital Kill3r (my GT) My new and crazy map Trippy is one heck of a map! Its really hard to explain so I'll say this: There are 4...
Bank Robbery By Digital Kill3r Bank Robbery ( is a map that places a team of Robbers...
Map DL here: I have no pics but basically its a map on High Grounds where the main...