Thank you for your post and I'm really glad that you're enjoying Salvation. If you happen to play 4v4 3-plot or stockpile I would like to know...
Map Name: Salvation v3.2 : Halo Reach : File Details Map you remade: Damnation Number of players: 2-16 Recommended Gametypes: Team...
Damnation remake
Yeah the ladder is much better than the lift. Lifts don't work properly in game types with altered gravity settings. Thankfully someone figured...
Yeah the new forge is incredible. I was able to raise the entire bottom level in about 15 min. The only thing that made it slow was moving spawns...
The fall damage actually seems very inconsistent to me. I jumped from catwalk to rockets over and over with different results. It seems that a...
Updated with more game types. Also some spawn tweaks and other minor adjustments. I would appreciate any feedback you guys can give me on...
Yes actually I have a newer version with almost every game type. I'm having trouble with territories and neutral flag. I also thought I would...
Yeah I just thought that nade jumping didn't work that well in Reach. After you and a couple other people asked about the OS jump I went back and...
I updated the download link : Halo Reach : File DetailsDownload SALVATION 2.0[/url] The nade jump at OS now works.
The weapons are all the same except I placed a DMR instead of the Magnum and a Plasma Repeater in place of the Plasma Rifle. I was very tempted to...
Salvation v3 This is a faithful remake of the classic Halo ce map Damnation. This map looks and feels like the original. It plays well with AA’s...
I can't wait to play some 1v1's on this. I have to say that the design and forging are perfect. The Banshees were nice touch...First time I've...
Thanks for the feedback. You can get on top of several external walls. I tried to make it so you couldn't get out of sight when on the walls. It's...
Blamnation H1.2 ( Damnation Remake ) Download: Updated download link...
Updated the download link with new version. Made some changes to shotty area, added ledge at sniper door and tweaked a few spawn points.
This is a very interesting map to remake. I'm downloading now.
Thanks for all your feedback and comments. I do appreciate the input. @ Slobby Knuggs I haven't had a chance to play infection on Blamnation...
Blamnation H1 Blamnation H1: Map you remade: Damnation Number of...
Blamnation H1 ( Damnation Remake ) Created by xXMrMojoRisinXx Supported Gametypes: Supports all gametypes Map Description This is a remake of...