well when the person that killed someone new what the penalty was once he or she ended that persons life alsowhat you gona do its like speeding...
if there was no one would buy and guitar hero company would go under
since we ina group and you done nothing to me ill sign GT- BROWNIEkillYOU also my friend said he'd sign is GT-se7en iz beast
good job see this is what builds up my trust good maps and that they are not stolen this is truly good ps add msn cannons making them come out...
i don't know just that the pictures werent there and it hasn't yet been delted or closed
what lol i do not understand this can someone explain?
good guide i personaly don't need it but some noobs might
ok evryone the problem hgas been solved so no need to acuse him of stealing this map its his so don't false acuse anymore
pretty cool looking like the map
i like the map but its to close to that one map that i saw earlyer
dude do you know how long ago this was made and posted? you shouyld see some more updated maps aof mine and read the posts i said ima make v2 soon...
lol i like blombas's idea
w/e.. im already mad enough i failed on the picture
this will definatly help the noobs
add the the orginal maker of the map on the post
this really needs to be interlocked so its not that great
w/e it sucks then i agree if yall agree... i failed...badly
good job killnon likke the map
omfg i love mario kart
one sec just wondering what is this? [IMG] 2 Days Ago #14 (permalink) MLG Ninja Warned [IMG] [IMG] MLG Ninja is Forging Join Date: Jul...