H3 Era...I'm a BAWSE!
Looks pretty cool. I haven't played a Racetrack in years lol
I'm not retarded I know how to interlock I'm just not going to spend multiple days on a map just to interlock everything........ It would of taken...
We didn't rush at all we spent alittle over 5 hours, We interlocked some stuff but not all because that would of taken to long we're not the best...
Me and KoA xBIGxBOSSx were messing around on forge on sandbox then we started making some stuff and it ended up leading to a 5 hour in the making...
How do you get out of the box for puzzle 19?? please tell me.
How do you get passed this part?? [/I]
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Jason Jones (the naked guy from the campaign level "Halo") [IMG] My Pet Hippo [IMG] CANT...
no sense of humor im guessing? yeah it is another mom joke but it makes it kinda funny when its a big company saying mom jokes when there BEING...
im not 100% sure but i do know somtimes they just corrupt and after afew hours or so it should fix im not really sure if its just some kind of...
^^this is actually new how did you get it pleny of times^^??? the old one just said screenshot cannot be found or somhting like that it never said...
sorry if this is the wrong section to post this in [IMG]
^^ok thanks for the advice^^ ill look into that on V3, im taking everyones opinions and suggestions in to consideration for to make V3 awesome :D
^^thanks for your opinion^^ in V3 i will spend more time on it and get down to every last detail
thanks, yeah theres also a little bit of a shortcut right on the side of B2 hanging over the edge theres a unmovable pallet that you can jump on...
i know the screenshots are pretty bad i might take new ones, the entire map is still available but i made all the stuff that most people go for...
there ya go sorry about the wait
LightsOUT V2.1! is here, i decided to make V2.1 because my LightsOUT V2.0 did pretty good in DL's i guess so here it is! Updates, More weapons...
thanks bro
well the maps are anyway lol i dont think the screenshots are supposed to help you