Send a message via AIM to Eyeless Sid Send a message via Skype™ to Eyeless Sid · Login | Facebook ah Jose Fernando is my eyeless sid facebook...
This is neat you should try and get a video showing some gameplay but its pretty self explainitory ha. Its chaotic when I did play it I would...
YouTube - Krutchtacular's Channel
I played a few games on this map and found no problems and just looking at every little detail they added into every section of the map made me...
The staue for me is about $10 and even then I wouldn't buy it because its a piece of clay that you use to collect dust or as a paper weight. Recon...
YouTube - Atmosphere - Yesterday (With Lyrics) This song has great lyrics and has you thinking one thing but hes actually talking about...
If im on Halo 3 some time this week toss me an invite.
Congrats on the promotion.
congrats on the promotion :]
Halo CE
I took a 3 month break from live then I bought some new games that keep me busy now like Saboteur which is a very fun game and has a great stroy....
Well its know fact Europen cars are better quality than any Asian manufactured car just look at the Toyota recals that in itself is an...
YouTube- Porsche vs Charger American Muscle wins
YouTube- Eyeless Music Video I don't have to say much just watch the video and you will figure t out.
Society gives the definition. In western societies we can commonly agree the murder is a bad act and some cases "evil". The thing is I can go into...
Given to Fly or Lights out would be your best choice for this.
Not bad reminda me of beasty boys kinda lol. I swear Ive heard this guy before but idk where. 9/10 though its a good tune. Mine:...
I would love to live with in the Halo series and see all the major events as a soldier or Leader and just watch everything unfold. How cool would...
I only have a problem with doing these things because we are in a multiple front war right now and in a large recession. Honestly its doubtful we...
I am a fan of music done in the 60's and 70's and this particaular song is done well but I think Ive heard a newer version and or a higher quality...