U like Slipknot?
Yeah, well the main reason i like wait and bleed is because it was the first Slipknot song i've heard.
u said it bro!!!
Probably duality, and Surfacing
Probably Duality and Wait and Bleed, though I like Diluted to
Um... kind of
Slipknot ROCKS
I love racing maps, but I couldn't download it. Though I'm not sure if it's your link or just me
Seems like a cool map, but your pics aren't coming through
I'm surprised u didn't run out of scenery!!
I do not see any interlocking. Other than that, cool map
It looks fun, and very capable for CTF
Cool map, I like it
My favorite besides halo3 is probably Guitar hero 3. I'm pretty good at it and can do expert up to raining blood
Kirby is da bomb!!!!!
nice remake... I can see a resemblance.
I have a lot of favorites... ... ... One is Kirby and the crystal shards.
It seems like a cool map.
looks cool and probably better than anything I can do.
Which map do u like forging on better? I...