Holy shet. 4 years ago. I just came for some nostalgia but wow, i was a douche when i was little.
yes fer rillz
lol why would u delete my blog its not spam if its a blog. you dont go around deletin peepuls blogs cus you dont think there funny.
not really im gone nao kthxbaiomfglmaowtfbbq im gone nao fer rillz
Zombi is back!!
coag/blood gulch will never be remade i saw on bungie.net :(( supersad face. but prisoner and damnation need to be remade they were sweet.
on your profle you have no rank. oh and i just clicked on your profile cus you said you made a bf bc map in forge
i has 100 posts
omg r u kidding? i was working on a map just like this not as big though
Most people dont like when you take pictures in forge because the spawnpoints make the map look ugly wikth their bright blue brightness, but the...
on your pic you have the geomerged wirespool but you cant geomerge moveable objects unless your in forge so i dont see how you did that
do you have to know them well or just randomly ask them
how you change your name
ichanged the pass to puss n boots because i was bored
lolz you didnt answer my question
i like how you wrote this so nicely.
seams cool but can you edit whilst slaying? if so, cheap-double box splatters- if not,you could just forge a map and then switch to regular slayer
meh,.. im tired of these explosion pics.. the first ones were cool but after 12million i think we're all good. -no 'ffence
im friending you because im GD's friend
wow i like the middle structure, and the flag idea is my favorite part