SO I Downloaded this because its the first "cave map" that caught my attention in a while. I think you should add this to your description: "It...
Very impressive, but I dont understand why the safe zone is set as it is - you can fly around a large portion of the map, but a section near blue...
Have you tried through the hard-drive?
sending friend request... Ill always play customs
I find it funny that most complaints about modding is increasing frame rate to points of making the map unplayable. what i find more infuriating...
I noticed that, I just wanted to know if he was pushing both map :) its a good map too that should be broadcasted in reach as well
This is Halo 4? Looks like reach. If so should be moved to reach section.
I couldnt express that better lol. Good looking map, map maker.
Have you thought of using the rotating cores turned sideways in the impact palette? The three pieces do move players and objects.
?? Why would the file not be found when i try to DL it??
Id love to DL this map and play it, however your DL link is sending me to my fileshare. Doesn't work like that. you need to link the map...
Hey I replaced your two "one way sheild 3 doors" with one "one way 4" and it covered the same space and cost 200$ less. Didn't know if you...
Just DL'd. not a single complaint. I looked at it in forge and almost shat myself when i notices that you had almost 400 credits left to build...
actually.. now that its out, the correction is: you can have 50 of a wall type. Its collosium wall [ also collosium window is in this...
I modify m,aps all the time. If I dl a map, and i htink it could be better or cheat proof or anything like that, Ill do that. then once completed,...
uhhh.. epic fail is epic? How about a rundown manually then, and explain it that way??
-comment removed-
Amazing map, Just love it, I think you meant 4 BR Bursts to meet their Doom? instead of dome? IMO, this looks like Relic in some ways, and i...
You saying that was furthering your contribution of the spam >_>. no relation to the post actually made. Any ways, I tried the trap, hiding the...
You got my dl. I've been tyring to figure out a way to incorporate the Death floor on SBox for some time now, and never thought of a death pit :)...