really this map is just graet just bad it dont get intesen
This is a great map. It is great chaos ! :D
good job.... too much wanabee ? lol
lol looks terible wont dl. sorry. :(
looks good maybe too open area. :S
what is it about,
Well these arent minigames so 1/5 sorry ! >_<
Wow looks fantastic !!! O_o
it could be made better i think but fine enough. 3/5
lol ive never seen on Narrows but it shouldnt be on Forgehub... so im sorrry 1/5
i erally like those kinds of maps cuz of its idea its an other thing. 3½/5
looks like great interlock but hate those small maps... 3/5
the name dosent match cuz it dosent looks like Helms deep but it looks okay. 3/5
i hate those maps... They are terible.. too closet and i hate to crouch 2/5
i like the idea but i dont think its that fun to play. 4/5
i dont like the idea. its going to be boring i guess. so you get 3/5 of me .
I like Griffball but i dont like the betrayals. :S!
Wow i just saw it on B net and it looks fantastic... great job dude :D!
Looks cool but the bad thing is that its not a new idea but maybe the best map for it. 3/6
OMG just as awesome as it could be!!! 10/5 ! great job dude. it so good man im not lying !