Thats how I feel at about 2 in the morning when aussies are getting host and I can't hit **** with a br in SWAT.
I smoked weed for about 4 years but im slowly quiting, it is some-what addictive and has long term effects to your short term memory, so I guess...
L33t Kr3w from counter-strike :P
Portals was the funniest, but for best I would say OOT
Desktop/Laptop: Laptop The manufacturer/Brand: ZT Systems Monitor: 15.4 Operating System: Vista 32 Hard drive: 120 Gig CPU: 1.8 duo core. Video:...
I would need to try this first hand before I can say if it is play worthy. But other then that the ship looks perfect. :)
bluethecatmm <-- you play cal? or any cs competitions?
Great yourself :P
Both the parent and the child should agree to it, if the child does not want to be bapped then the parents should accept that and move on.
Welcome! I am in a clan called Ninjas Without Pants, and as zstrike said above "Great minds DO think alike"
Yeah it is! All I can think about when I see that pic is "Wake me up, before you go-go" ^_^
wow... just wow. That was insane.
Also sorry for the bump, but I enjoyed it, very funny. <3 Digital Ph33r
Impressive 5/5 leet bubble shield blocking :D
What did you say... that can't be English.
wow-VA! I would never let a Elite do my prostate exams. :O, this is what college partys have turned into... may god have mercy on us.
OMGWTFBIGPIXPLOX!! Please upload it again and make it bigger.
Happy Birthday, I hope you get lots of lolpresants. :D And here Is a presant from hashbrown: [IMG]