I just dled both. These look great! For the next version, maybe you could have multiple triggers that spawn at different intervals so someone...
Could have promise but... Some aspects of this map, such as the use of ramps and portals, look worth giving a try, but I just can't get over the...
This looks like a fun map, and I am getting into CTF more and more these days so it's worth a download for me. Though from the video it doesn't...
Downloaded and played multiple times. Good overall layout, with most of the obstructions to the traditionally accessible areas denying the tired...
I just went to your fileshare to download this map and it's not there. I know this isn't the newest thread at FH but this map looked like it...
Just downloaded this. It looks amazing!
Can't download the map @ Bungie's site b/c your account isn't linked so the download doesn't show. Please fix this because I am really looking...
I'll try it out. Hate having to do the double jump thing though. Half the time, it's luck, rather than skill. Other than that, looks fun.
this map puts the raw in roffle. I loled. Thanx for the good times.
fatalityz, you asked for cold hard criticism so I do have one constructive critique: expand the walls a little bit to let the space breathe. With...
I see why you made this map. Because it is teh awesome. We don't get many tongue-in-cheeks around here that are playable but with the inclusion...
Excellent map DLed this earlier yesterday afternoon. Played an excellent 1v1 match last night on it. The layout and weapon placements are great...
I really appreciate the hard work you put into this!
Definitely q'd for dl. Nice job, beautifully interlocked. And should be good for a lot of gametypes.
Thanks for your honesty. I happen to agree with you. The first pic is the best one of this set.
Duly noted. I'll remove the link to my map but I didn't do this for an advert. It just happened that I managed to get a couple of really pretty...
So one of my first maps was a Star Wars inspired Snowbound variant that gave me some really beautiful shots. I want to share a couple of them...
I will be honest. I did not read all of the description because the pictures wtfpwned! I'm going to dl this right away and I appreciate the time...
Stay off the road and away from the pipe and you don't die. There is a lot you can Forge between the wall and the pipe, and the grenade glitch is...
It gives me feerings of a rich and comfortable lifestyle. Engrish ftw. Great pics.