Wow, I will have to download it and try it. though i wish you could do it by urself.
actually by the fh authoritarians, I meant the people who run around -repping and reporting people for fun. like Ak gumby 907. Like 1 in 2 of his...
I wasnt making fun of you. you might wanna read it. I just said we have way to many mini mod nazis running around reporting everyone. and I'm...
Yoy is you kidding. Insulting a member who is already banned??? they have threads insulting him bruv. The majority of you're posts are reporting...
couldn't agree more. so many people on this site only like maps if they're unbreakable, but sometimes if they're unbreakable it takes away from...
Stupid raidantrain plus repping me to make me look like a liar. lol jk thanks.
I know but my dumbass partner yomtvraps is easily confused, and he called me and told me to try sending you a message which I did. sorry about that.
Happy birthday
umm no ididnt my team mate contacted u waaaay earlier, plus we werent even playing you butyou posted on ourthread.
when r u guys going to tell us when you want to play?????? we've sen trepeated messages to matty.
Are you going to message if you want to play or not???? If you dont reply to this oone im going to assume you're forefitting.
well are you ever going to cnatact uson when u wanna play. cus if you dont then its a forefit. we definantly reached out to you.
thx powncakes. i thibnk this was my best map
Im so happppy! Hopefully he doesnt get plagued by injurys like pennington did. im really gonna miss chad but hes always injured.
what originality you muppet? he just copied the guy who made distortion. his original tilted map sucked and this is just a poor distortion knock...
looks like someone decided to copy distortion. 1/5 for lack of originality
prolly sends the garbage dumpster flying. nice map.
really pointless post. It belongs in aesthetics if anywhere on forgehub. Taking pictures with filters on Halo is lame. Learn how to use photoshop. 0/5
Ur really dodgy. this map needs more actual pics or at least adescription it'll probably be moved or locked in 24 hours unless it getsup to...
wat r u talking about??? theres no geo merging. People like u are making forgehub bad because you throw 5/5s out all the time. 3/5