Quick intro: I was once somewhat active on these forums, mostly around when I joined in early 2008 and the year following. I posted a bunch of...
[IMG] 'Teamwork is paramount in escaping this enigma unscathed. Set up for ALL gametypes and 4-10 players. By JJ3672.' Download! Quick...
1. Yes, this has been done before. Doesn't mean that it can't be done again, but everyone marveling at this "new and original idea" should know...
iTz xXSn1p3rSh0tzz420xX ^^ Awesome GT right there...
I like the new Halo-ish MM system, but I don't think that the servers are running at full capacity (it took me > 10 mins to find a match before,...
The effect created there makes GoW1 seem so much more small-scale compared to GoW2, as the Brumak was seen as indestrucible and the most badass...
No, this doesn't belong in the Official Discussion Topic, it's a seperate poll. To those of you that have GoW2, which starting weapon do you use...
Lock/Delete...posted accidently. Don't post here, use the other topic.
Yea, but in the first game you never fought a Brumak, so you were just scared shitless for no reason... And I played a fair bit of GOW1 but I'm...
Wow, multiplayer is surprisingly...balanced. As in I actually feel safe to drop my shotty for once. As in nade tagging is almost completely...
I'm guessing the capital letters are necessary to emphasize how wrong you are, as this is Rat's Nest (not STANDOFF!!1!). Cops and Robbers is...
Lol @ you getting 90% on your own quiz. And I got question 10 wrong...
Perfection... It's pretty easy, although I did have to check to see which of Dec 2, 4, or 7 (of last year) was a Friday.
I figured it would ruin the one-liner... But I have actually played a small team game on this map (somewhat) recently, and from what I...
I'm John McCain and I approve this map name.
One word: overdramatization. You tried too hard. Building excitement is also wasting the time of the viewers. Good clips + unnecessary...
More from the same thread... Originally posted by Shishka: "Geometry interlocking is fine. However, if the Z-fighting looks bad (that is, when...
Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^ Around the middle of the page in the above forum post, Shiska mentions...
It was in some bungie update a while ago, I think...lemme try to dig it up.