looks awesome man def dl
kl dl when posibl
a definate dl. looks amazing
pretty damn cool mate
i tried it and its fikin awesome!=>
hey pretty damn cool map dude. def dl
Hi its me again with a fun new map - First Sight -. it has been set up for all game types and is ready for play. it features two air vents(lifts),...
Map Title: Inamber Clad v2super frigate is attacking the brute outpost...
looks frikin amazing def download
i have now found the first good looking map i have ever seen on blackout. definate download.
thx i'll take that into consideration.
thx guys i'll try that
works a charm nice find m8
Hi lately i've been forgeing a gaint map until i oticed that there no more double boxs left. if any can someone tell me how to get more objects...
Question answering What you didn't see was a brute base opposite. This map is supposed to be a team based map that is humans vs covies where...
Map Title: Inamber Clad v2super frigate is attacking the brute outpostDownload Map Download Gametype Description:[color=black]A massive UNSC...
I can see your point there Snak3. yet then again this is the first map i've made for the community.
THX guys for all the help. i have now fixed all problems and you can now DL the map/game!!! Also i would like to know if anyone has ideas...
Whats wrong with it?