Hey, Balazeal
Wait, couldn't the zombie just peek over the edge and see the humans? I doubt this problem actually exist, but the pictures and description aren't...
Is it really fair that some players get mongeese while others get ghosts? Also, since ghosts can be jacked, the game can turn into a jacking fest...
Hey Buddha. Congrats for finding the Ultimate Unlimited Money Glitch.
Good job on the premium! I'm in your Bnet group, Forge For Thought, so can we be friends?
Hey, littlemidget and S4KOP4th, I played this map with you guys and it's very fun! Moshpit was the most fun in my opinion, as fighting to control...
Great, downloading right now. (The ladder works? Really?)
Yay, a feature map not chosen for its mere asthetics! I would download this map, but I'd rather play on a map made for Slayer (Slayer and...
This map doesn't suck as much as the people on the first pg. make it seem. It's actually a great map for smaller parties and specific gametypes...
Great aesthetics! I'll be glad if it plays even half as well as it looks.
Great, an awesome map just for Swords. Is the Sword game you have the same as the one in Matchmaking though?
I looked at the Bungie post, looks awesome!
Thanks, pretty useful
Looks great... Sadly, I don't have the Legendary Map pack yet.
Simply awesome
That looks awesome! Too bad I don't have Legendary Map Pack yet. :(
Whoa, I actually had an idea like this for a long time now, and it was going to be my next project. My idea evolved humans turning into ghosts...