Re: 102 Steps- a zombie survival map *Caution: Alot of Screenshots* definently deserved the two hours of my life i spent on it
Re: 102 Steps- a zombie survival map *Caution: Alot of Screenshots* I actually think being a zombie is more fun because you get to dodge things...
Re: 102 Steps- a zombie survival map *Caution: Alot of Screenshots* Anyone play this yet who wants to share input?
This is my newest map, 102 steps, named after how many steps are on each staircase total (my friend counted them lol) it was made by me, and my...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Not at all, but the last change confused us till we figured...
Re: Mouse Trap - A Donut Minigame the ghost part is genus! Looks like alot of fun ill have to play this with my buds tonight
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! Your right, but there was no way i could isolate the mongoose spawn from...
So check this map out, its pretty much people driving around in mongooses trying to avoid gauss cannons and lasers the whole time. But heres the...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I love this map me and my friends played it like 20 times lastnight
Re: Arena X Spartan training facility I made a newer version ill update the first post later, it has fixed spawn areas to prevent spawn killing,...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute All im sayin is that post number shouldent make the map
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute at least people notice your maps, according to Mr....
Theres a couple of maps in the maps section that use this
I was thinking of this earlier
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute You've inspired me
After seeing Voodoo's sniper arena map, I was inspired to create a more all around weapon arena. This was the product, Arena X, an arena with...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Yeah any idea when its supposed to be finished? I wish people...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute badass map dude!
The first of the two, is Killhouse, a crowded map with lots of close quarter encounters. This map is meant to be played with infection gametypes,...