This looks very intricate, completed with lots of effort and skill. Well Done.
this looks like a great and innovative map. It looks like alot of fun. And to those of you who say that it isn't up to snuff, It notes in the...
the pictures don't really bother me, although they do have to be embedded. The map looks a little sloppy, bu could make for some big, fun games....
im not sure but it looks like a flamethrower.
This looks great It must have taken a fantastic amount of patience and skill. Well done.
thanks. ill take some pictures and try to fix it.
this is my first post, im a little new to this. This is my first map, called flint, and it is a fairly symmetrical map (save one tower) that is...
New user here. Just wanted to say hello and that I was looking forward to playing with you and sharing maps with you. My friend in real life...