The lighting effect is very cool, but what is the spartan doing? do this. lol
you should add a none of them option in the poll. HEYO!
and if they had rockets on thier backs like the guy on the right.
QFT. lol.
1. go into a custom game in local and hold (all at the same time) LB + RB + L STICK CLICK + A + UP ON THE D-PAD 2. kill yourself in the custom...
yeah being a member should have perks.
I've never understood why there is a limit, it's just stupid.
I think the sixth one looks just effing awesome. It almost looks like he blasting off.
Yeah, it always funny when bodies get rubbery.
I thought you used a filter at first, but then i saw that you used a drainer and a frag, anyway, nice pic. 4/5
It would be awesome if the sniper hit someone in the head and he you got a sniper kill and a kill from the grave at the same time.
I'd suggest making the picture a tad bit bigger, and getting a better picture, I'm sorry but a sticky in the face isn't really that awesome.
how does he make them float so perfectly?
I overloaded a map with bubble shields once, true story. anyways, now to the pic. The bubble shield have a kinda cool effect, but there's nothing...
Holy s**t monkeys that's awesome, but oh the irony, a grenade saved you're life. lol.
Awesome-riffic looking map man, the ascetics are really nice i hope the gameplay is the same.
Kaya is his name, and I am his actually older brother, DUN DUN DUN! :eek::eek::eek: and Necroposting=Bad got it! EDIT: this is Kaya, I'm...
i thought "grand thieft halo" was funny.
hey everybody, I'm Kayaman132's older brother, jake. i saw kaya spending a lot of time on this forum so i thought i would check it out.