woot, people actually like it, i personally love the see-through hallway in the middle on ctf i sa the enemy run through there with my flag... so...
Ty for the feedback Added embed pics because slideshows hate me :(
Im back with my first map on Cold Storage, Infestation Supported Gametypes: -CTF -Team Oddball -2 sided VIP slayer (someone asked me to add it...
TY for Downloading, cant wait for the feedback :)
ty, hooray for igbl maplist, 2 in there now :) BTW: i fixed some things and changed the download link since when i first posted the map. 1....
Tyvm :)
NOTE: Fixed Problems. 1. Flipped 1 door that was rightside-up to upside-down. (check pictures, you see which door i mean.) 2. Fixed a possible...
not a problem at all, if anything its more publicity.. WOOT :)
ty vm, if you going to DL be sure not to forget the custom gametype ^^
Ty, when i played the game you did more jumping on that middle platform then walking, because being out there is almost suicidal lol
Ty baraker, and see ya in hell sushi ( school = hell )
wow thank you all of the feedback ^^ if yalla re going to play a game on it please invite me XD GT - xXGopuriXx
Ty sushi, and it does have alot of power weapons, but a br is more powerful in most instrances then the power weapons
i have played a few games on it, and the power weapons are fine on it so far, i feel like i shoulda limited the snipers a bit more but too late...
Map: Cubical Gametype: King TS ( this is teamslayer, just dont go into the hill) Feel free to edit the starting weapons though, everyone has...
Id love to play some customs with you, or anyone else for that matter. I sent you a FR. if anyone else wants to play some customs FR me - xXGopuriXx
Ty all, plz remeber to comment and rate on the bungie thread, can i has bumps plx o.O lol
hehe of course you do XD Me be one of your new hosts XXDD
yea it makes the map slightly unique, sadly, i think hat turns more people off than it does turn them on. But i like it, Ctf especially very...
Ty, if you or anyone else is going to get a custom game together, plz send me an invite GT - xXGopuriXx