Just to let everyone know the links are now fixed for downloading, so download away!!
no thats the cafeteria
they you go everyone the link is fixed dunno wat happened to it in the first place
yeah um there is a better looking at-at imperial walker from star wars it is in casual maps you just gotta look for it it looks so much like it....
thats ok just remember to double check your work for you next ship and be sure to check the other ships for ideas but always remember to credit...
you know you really should credit your work with acknowledgements so people don't think you stole their idea or anything, i am just saying that...
yo dude i don't you having any maps 1, 2 that a waste of a post, 3 there is nothing wrong with the way i posted the thread it met forge hub's...
just acomment i love the prison sampson looks epic and you crafted together alot of ideas to make a great prison, oh love the chair looks alot...
thanks i think
thanks yeah it really took me a long time to make streets but my favorite is the hollow roadway because of its bridge like figure
cool i will get to editing it later in the year
it is the middle of the page right before all the pics
yeah thanks alot guys these are actually some of my best and well played maps
thanks yeah i hate when people steal maps to say it was their own
well in this version i fixed the weapons a little, made a new roof which makes this ship look alot smoother on the outside i fixed some glitches,...
thanks i really put alot of hard work into this map thanks alot and please dl and try it
yeah i know i kind of ran out of money and parts when i was eventually done with it other wise i would have made the engines better
there is an update the gameplay will not work with this version of the game i have updated this version because one of idiot friends deleted the...
come on guys only 13 downloads, by this time version 1 had had 30
it is just the light position of the box but isn't it awesome?!