great map over all well made even fair there are only a few things i would like to see a bit of change in. the first is the barriers up the top...
Looks like you could get out of the map in five seconds, and most people don't like using teleporters in there maps if the don't need to cause...
Me, waylander and some other mates played crazy hill on it and it was great fun, well made and very smooth, looks great and i love it how you've...
Looks great but i'm not so shore about the lack of cover in the middle layer look like it could get a bit crazy and personal i perfer to have a...
o dam that remind me i have to get the pic that might win the photo comp
or just the start
all the way
:happy:yay i got a comment:happy:
yea its said two download where from me and two replied 2, one from you 3, burnt 4, Convulse 5, taseme 6 and thats all i can think of.
Last month I post my first real competive map wolf park. Its a small 2v2 map and I think it really good yet i am sad to say others don't. using...
Im not queite shore but i believe that the thread has to be under the maps name even if you did call it MLG. Me thinks rename it.
Boo no comment you guys are lame.:sad:
Its a great map well made and fun to play. I watched one of the test videos and it look mad with a large party. Hope your next map is going to...
nice geomerging was it hard? anyway it looks great. The one thing i really what to know is it fun to play, never mind i'll fine out when i down...
thx but see i couldn't design it on foundry designer because most it not all double boxes are vertical on there end and you just can place them...
look good but I don't know about the road block on the lower bridge, I mean it looks ok but is it needed and won't it just get in the way. and...
Hit just tell me how its "kinda' sloppy" plz. The weapons being close together isnt really a problem because they get picked up by many people...
Wolf Park by Echo k9 Wolf Park is a close range enclosed 2v2 map with an S shape layer out. Good jumpers have the advantage in this map and can...
Nice work, Now all i need to do is to think of map i can use it on.
Looks great you have like doubled blackouts area. i am so dl this. keep up the good work.