cool, f my vids, i like my vids and gametypes more yeah i knew it wasn't my harddrive, i have 91 GB free
AHAHAHAHAH this is a great question.... my armor color stems from rainbow six vegas, i bought my 360 last june, and got rb6v and gears with it......
i have it... and if you catch me on a COD4 day, i'll pwn, but if you catch me on a halo day and i switch over to play, it'll take me two or so...
i experienced my first "custom content limit reach" message today.... anyone know how to get around this... i have so much hard drive space, i...
well i don't think you need to hear why my mother named me Miles, but thats my name... and the "D", well i have no D in my name, but the hippie...
woooohooooooooo i'm 20th.... better than i thought, though i enjoy getting achievements, i don't fret over them... and i've never gotten 100...
damn, i thought i would already progressive using walkie talkie... but that bumper jumper rocks the casbah! i think the deciding factor for me...
i played alot of AoE 2 in high school at my computer networking class LAN parties... and before i got my 360 i played AoE 3 non stop, i think i...
the TGIF party? i wish i could hit those... but alas i work 3rd shift
i've been rockin walkie talkie for a minute since i've come back to halo (as i always do) i'm not much of a jumper, i find i'm a sitting duck in...
master chief a democrat? i totally see him as republican... i mean, he IS part of the war machine... hell, he IS the war machine....
so i'm a third shifter from the eastern time zone... i generally start playing between 3:30am and 4:30am and get offline around 7-8am monday thru...
i did NOT find out about this from, even though i was an avid visitor to that site... i met asper and AZN in a random matchmaking game,...
~in response to the teleport campers~ how about making the teleporters all one channel... that way it's random where you'll come out... no way to...
the only maps i've gotten from bng favs that i enjoy are the rocket race's (and those aren't really 'forged' maps... just new waypoints set...)...
ok, so i've been put into awe by the maps i've seen here on forge hub, and i've been inspired to create my idea... but alas, i lack the ability to...
howdy, just wanted to introduce myself... i'm miles, Miles D37 on XboX Live. i had the good fortune of playing a random matchmaking game with AZN...