The only difference Between the V2 and V3 is that there is no jump (or what ever you want to call it) on the basses and the Wall corners in the...
[IMG] (Click to view larger image) Link to Multi Sandbox V1 Link to Multi Sandbox V2 Link to Quaternary (Multi Sandbox V3) This is...
Yeah, I know... but I only started to post more because of my maps that I made and because of that I have been talking to some people... but not...
I like the idea of this map, but it needs to be smoothed out a little (judging from the pictures...) overall, I give this map a 4/5, and what is...
Hey everyone, Thank you for posting but right now the main thing that this map needs is a new name. The way I want to do this is by having you...
The only reason that i put a custom power up on that one base is because some one made a comment on the V1: And just in case you thought...
Yeah... I know... I just haven't thought of one yet... How about ... Multiplex ???
[IMG] (Click to view larger image) Link to Multi Sandbox V1 This is Multi Sandbox, a Multi Team based map placed in the SkyBubble in...
Finally! I finished the V2 for this map! It took me about 12 hours just to remake the bases! The entire map has been interlocked now and should...
Hey, before I start on the V2, is there any specific changes that you people think this map needs? EDIT: Update (3-24-09) The V2 is coming along...
Hey could you put up my map? Multi Sandbox It's in desperate need of a name change and a V2 but I'm Ok with that.
I'm guessing you didn't read through the entire post and just looked at the pictures... well, I'm never going to add an outside part of the map...
[IMG] (Click to view larger image) Link to Multi Sandbox V2 This is Multi Sandbox, a Multi Team based map placed in the SkyBubble in...
I see the illusion now! At first my eyes only saw what the actual map was, not the illusion...
Hello Crazyzebu. Hm... so bored I have no idea on what I should say...
... Can someone please give their opinion on this map? I want to know what people like/dislike about it and what needs to be changed... I posted...
[IMG] (Click to view larger image) MLG Catwalk is set up for all standard MLG gametypes like Slayer, CTF (Ons rules), Odd ball, and KotH Here...
[IMG] (Click to view larger image) SideWall is an attempt at a FFA Map. This map was originally created by o Papertowel but he didn't like it...
Mods, please delete this thread because I am going to repost this in the Competitive maps area, Thank You.
I agree with every word you said (even the idiot part... sort of...), the only reason that this is in the MLG forum is because o Papertowel really...