jeez cool it its only a little mistake anyways i like the top map, the stronghold of thor i cant help, im a sucky forger, but id love to see...
yolu? okay... My time is much too early for me to be playing video games. Got work!
looks kinda fun. I dont know, Im fairly content with minesweeper. :P
So, wait. It's like TGIF, but with Forge. amiright?
I beat the japanese import version of this. I cant understand japanese, so i was just running around and pressing the O button.
wow, thanks man. I dont make really good maps, but I'll try. Whats preffered over here?
I like how you did that block in the building in the second picture. That's pretty cool.
Hey, Im Mandible. Just chilling here, thought I should make an account. This site is great, like it a lot so far. If you wanna talk to me, you...