Played this with a few friends today. First map of this type I've actually played. Was a lot of fun, I have to say. The manic giggling that ensued...
Had to download this simply because of the spotlight idea. That was brilliant and poking around on it in Forge, it looks like a lot of fun and I...
If you download and check out the map you will see that the Purgatories are completely sealed. Only way in is to respawn, only way out is through...
RElim Chamber (400+ downloads) MXD on RElim Chamber Created by: TwiztedMatt1007 Works with any party size from 2-16 players. (Click images for...
Use Rally or Rocket Race instead of KOTH and set score to win 1, then however many rounds you want. First person to that point wins, no contesting...
I'm aware of what unchanged means. I was simply stating that so no body would say to check the traits in the territory as they may differ and...
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out yet but the above is inaccurate. If you download the gametype and look at the settings, both the damage...
RElim Chamber is a remake of my Halo 3 Mini-Game map Elim Chamber. Real original names I know. Anywho, this map is based around the tried and true...
Use teleporters, make the size and shape of them to however large you want them to be, set to not spawn at start, and then spawn in at however...
This is neat, I have to say. I appreciate you giving me credit for the original. A couple of notes, you should probably put a custom power up on...
To expand on what was said earlier, if you download some of the official gametypes from Bungie's Match Making you can restrict people to only...
Yes, the individual players can choose what race they want but, since each race has different traits, it can mess things up for a custom gametype....
There may be some sort of glitch that doesn't allow the option to be displayed/work yet. There is an update coming in the first week of October...
That is not entirely fair to say. If someone is trying to take the most inside or outside line to make a move on the person ahead of them and...
Thus far, I'd say it looks pretty cool. I like the whole broken down/degrading style you appear to be going for with it. I'd say get back to...
As a number of people have already said, I think you are misinterpreting why they are posting comments like that on your maps. After reading...
The origin of my gamertag is nothing special. I actually didn't even come up with it myself. The name came about when I first moved and my friend...
What he is reffering to is this: I actually had no idea what he was talking...
Its been a while since I played around making anything in Halo 3 but, even with high gravity, can't a player still jump on another players head...
If I am understanding you correctly, the Block Tinys are despawning and then respawning. Unfortunately, with my experience, any movable object...