I have almost forgot about conker live and reload But this map remind me of and it looks really nice
I can only see one promplem and that is that you can easyli ecsape with a grenade jump
you will get stuck but I has placed man canons inside the boxes so that you will be fired out of them
I have just update the map so you now cant get stuck under the boxes
really try to play it before saying anything like that (you can se how it play
Ragnarok 1.2 Ragnarok v 1.2 [IMG] down load the map here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing In Norse mythology...
to evrey one who had sayed ther is to many power weapon I actuly thinks there is onlhy 1 power weapon= the rocket launcher
bad for that is else a good map
looks really big and nice interloking
first it isent hallways it the based. yep and I know it messy people who say is looks to open try to play it
this map is really cool
the sign is set there so you can jump on yes and i know that with the bridge but i learn some thing i should make better in the next version
The new mine great map for 1 vs1 and 2vs2 this is an sort of update to my old map the old mine and if you have played it then the first thing...
really nice map i like the interliokling you have used on the hill
have you ever read any thing from forging 101+
you chould makes this look more bette but nice idea
this tybe of maps sucks
this have been posted on the bungie.net blog http://www.bungie.net/News/Blog.aspx?mode=news#cid14193
you might have set them to only spawn in symmtric games
Isnt this map old??