I've been at the new hub, duh. Also I remember everyone here, but only some posts. They were great times. Also people might remember my user name...
Good evening everyone, my name is JT. I'm been gone a while and I've been having some personal issues in my life. After a while however, I fixed...
The game that truly touched my heart the most would be Final Fantasy III. Epic storyline, and a certain type of gameplay that I have cherish till...
Is it alright if I get a username changed?
Kingdom Hearts was an amazing game featuring a mixture between Disney and Final Fantasy. You honestly didn't need to know any specific information...
Shizzle my nizzle you bizzle.
I never claimed that, I just heard you did.
You don't live in London?!?! =O.
Not at all. -Throws a knife at Tom, gets a 5-star wanted level for killing the Prime Minister.- Got any snow in London boi?
Hi! What are you doing? - Pulls out a knife and balances it on his nose.-
Tom... Tom... Tom...
-Rapes Sharp with a shooter.-
YAY! That song is more popular than I thought it would be.
Maybe because tonight will be the night that I'll fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind! Or I won't live to see another day, I...
Oh, sorry. [Not really.] In a depressed mood [aren't I always...].
-Sighs.- What the hell is 5c?
Hey Chris...
Hey Vice...
Hey Snacks...
To the BuddhaCrane... Buddha + Crane. Pics, or fails.