Well you'll have to ask Screwstone. I don't make the videos, I only try to get into them :happy:
Hey guys, finally back. Anyways, on with the point of this topic. I'm going to go ahead and guess someone has already told you guys about this...
2nd one wasnt supposed to be funny or sad O_o. I just put it in there. Me and my friend where just trying to get some pictures, and they didnt...
I going to go off a limb here and say you were Caboose this round right? Accidentally owning them and winning? xD
I thought this was kinda... well, depressing. At first, I laughed at this because at the angle it was original found at. When I looked at it, my...
Still... You have no proof that you simply didnt just use your hammer to get that then quickly pick up the bomb.
Another awsome map! However, as a recent poster said, MLG does NOT use moveable objects unless there is a weapon holder on top of one. And there...
Nice small map. Can't hate that. But Halo 3 has enough small maps, but this one looks great.
For some reason, right when I saw hammer head, I thought: Pyramid head xD
?? I dont understand. GameVee still has to use a video capture card.
aka lazy? Im trying to get a Youtube up, but I dont hve my external graphic card yet. Im trying to find someone who will record it to youtube.
Sorry for reviving this 2 pager, but I really want some replys.
Hello forgers. Today, I wanna share a instructional video labled: "Why not to upset a traffic cone, with a range weapon." Okay, you guys might...
Ok ive said it before and ill say it again: 360, has ALOT of console bitches in it's power :D!
..... -assassinates and teabags- ^_^ Maybe so, but the 360 makes the PS3 look like it was developed back when the Virtual Boy was made xD.
I do the samething, sept only when it;s an energy sword handle xD.
Lmao. Thanks, ive been getting messages off these forums saying what I ment in my post, but I wanted to be an ass :D. Glad someone knows what I...
Demonwing use your- DOCTO OCTOGANUPUS BLARRRG! [IMG] Poor ship! :D!! ...:squirrel_eyebrow: I mean uhh.. D:... ...No this is not edited...
Sorry if this is in the wrong area or if its already been done. Hey guys, FDW here. I know you guys havn't heard from me in a while. Hell, most...
Well I doubt that the Meteor caller would miss a 10 foot tall spartan figure :D. And im sure as heck he wouldn't give away a free triple kill xD.