I came back from Halo hiatus and immediately jumped on forge to create my first Halo 4 maps. I created these two on the go, no planning. Would...
Sorry but I don't know "Pulse". Not sure what you're talking about.
This is a map I started building a long time ago and took a long break from finishing it. I think some other game distracted me. I've only...
I think you missed a couple ramps on the right side of that overhead shot. Or did you do that on purpose?
It was New Vegas for me. I too stopped playing Reach when it came out, but now I'm back. None of my friends seem to wanna start playing Reach...
I would hate if they were pick-ups. This isn't Halo 3. New game, new rules. The time they last is just fine by me. I find Reach to be a lot...
Nope. No teabagging necessary. The kill speaks for itself. I'd rather spend my time looking for another target or help teammates out.
Need help testing and setting up other gametypes. It's only set up for Slayer at the moment. Add me if you're interested in helping. Or just...
Looks fantastic. I want to play this right now. Are you still testing or will you be releasing this soon for download? Add me if you need more...
X-Men themed survival horror. Infection - Safe Havens 1 Mutant vs (up to) 15 Zombies. 5 rounds 3 minutes/round Secret Powerup (Purple, Juicy, Old...
If I have to freely move the item to fix it anyway, I rather just skip setting the coordinates all together. That takes too long. I've been...
Setting coordinates seems to move the objects way too much. Whenever something is a bit off (vertically-wise) I just tap the bumpers and deselect...
I traded in my Halo 3 for Reach. Other than not being able to play regular team slayer often enough, I have no real problem with this game. The...
X-Men Danger Room I had this idea when I was messing around Halo 3 forge. I don't know if there's been something like this before, wouldn't...
tried infection on this...kept being spawned on the floor under the map. i like the map though, it's pretty sweet.
what about putting a power weapon in the pit? that way there's a reason to go there.
map looks fun...and what exactly is MLG really? never got that
can't see your pictures...
i really think the map posting template sticky should be in big effin bold letters on the home page so people will finally get how to post them...
why do people keep saying "looks good but it's too small" or stuff like that for small maps? they made them small for a reason...