Add me. GT: Jayyyyyyyyyydos That's 10 Y's. I'm keen to help do some testing sessions.
I love that they're giving us variety with this iteration of Forge. I have another question. Regarding the Terrain auto-locking onto objects that...
That's great. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I imagine it'll be the regular three types of teleporters. 2-way, Sender and Receiver Nodes...
Are there Teleporters in Halo 5? A few pages back Teleporters were mentioned, but it was referring to how many of one item could be placed. The...
I hope everyone is well. It's good to see some familiar faces posting around here. Expect to see more of me in the up and coming months.
Playin' Halo 2 Team Slayer - Burial Mounds - YouTube
They are just differences in scale, but to ignore that one is has observable, testable and repeatable evidence and the other is based off of...
Evidence for Evolution? What about the abundant amount of evidence against evolution? I gave you 9 reasons that disprove it. I stated that there...
In terms of Science I accept and believe everything that has 100% evidence and can be tested, observed and repeated. I'll say then that I believe...
It has moved off topic way to much. I wouldn't say this debate should be about Religion vs Science, it's more so about are men of science smarter...
One game is to capture 3 flags to win, the other is 5...
Respect for your last post :)
I find it funny how Christians call Hitler an Atheist and Atheists call him a Christian. It's like chucking a dud grenade back and forth, it's...
I love that first rush for rockets, even if you don't get it, your team can nade push the teleporters and regain them. I haven't had a serious...
There are many definitions of smart. You can be scientifically, religiously, street smart etc. but at the end of the day what you just said makes...
I wasn't aware that some religions do such a thing. As you said, people distort them. All I can say to that is there are bad people and there are...
I have permission from Shadow to Necro this thread. Today I downloaded your remake, I was incredibly pleased with the attention to detail, the...
All I can say is that this is another never ending discussion. I am a man of both, over the past year I have doubted my Christian beliefs because...
I can't tell because there isn't a Halo 2 section on MLG anymore. However I am pretty sure they removed Ascension in the last Halo 2 version, but...
Very true, Anchor 9 seems like it's going into MLG. Tempest has moved into my top Normal AR starting maps and Breakpoint is my favourite BTB map...