this is a really fun map that is great to play and can provide hours of entertainment for a party. and the game realy doesnt need more cover as...
OMFGZ this is da best
hey i posted up the UFHMG Coaster and porcupine maps as a nomination for the Forge Hub Favorites
i nominate 1) i nominate 1)porcupine by my good friend geranamo 2)UFHMG Coaster again by geranamo
... crap i have to compete with zerosun now :cry:
i think i agree with lock, other than that it has very good flow and i see no problem with the lighting a lil unrelated but how did you get that...
so umm how much longer till the voting starts... im eager to lose :lol:
hey geranmo "our map" is doin pretty good ;) ill put mu UFHMG up pretty soon...
also dont post in it, u might get an infraction
heres what i wanted to show ya... its not my best by far, the best is reserves for that sig battle im in...
i had the honor of testing this map for geranamo and i must say that its an awesome scarab replica, my analysis as a tester is that this map had...
read people he already extended the time, and thanks much for that eguitarplaya33
i think it should be 2 weeks... one week isnt really that much time to make 2 quality sigs and btw good luck to everyone
i think this will be a wonderful chance for me to start making sigs again... count me in
you ppl need to stay on topic... this thread has nothing to do with religion and the earth used to be one large land mass. proof (as prevously...
for v2 try to blur the odst dude in the front a tiny bit, it should help the overall flow and get rid of the "plastic" look that it currently has.
wow shade interesting rep u posted for me bout my sig.... yeah i didnt care this week
well dude i just was in the middle of one, didnt like how it was turning out, decided that this theme just wasnt for me, and made that crummy sig...
its difficult... heres me epic fail [img]