ok first of all the reviews,previews ect. are from its members see actually i dont care what you think i came here to see who would be interested...
look at all of you who are bashing me, maybe if you knew how to read it might help you understand A LOT more
What happend?: Well it came across my mind that few websites and i mean very few actually allow games to be rated by its members,what i mean is...
yea theres a reason i said "Less than 2 hours" even so its basic i couldnt care less if someone stole it its just suppose to be a map to enjoy i'd...
For one thing it's a rocket map.....honestly i'd like to see a guy who made i fancy interlocked rocket map rather than a simple one people can...
pictures are up!
no i know all about the pictures but problem is I'm taking screen shots and it wont appear on the hi-res screen shot place..its really pissing me off.
Map Title:Rocket Base Note:This map took less than 2 hour,it's to enjoy rockets not to be another fancy rocket map. Rocket Base is a slayer map...
it looks sloppy yet fun,try more interlocking
i really want to know how you did the sliding door,i was thinking of adding that to my map
I'm going to add game play pictures by Saturday latest sunday
ok no offense whatsoever....but..i'll give you props on the floating pathways otherwise,the map looks like garbage.it looks like it took you 2...
ok thanks for the tip.....
that was the whole trouble of some parts of the map,but thanks
Thanks,I'll add those picks later on.
A special thanks to Groundndpound for helping me test this wonderful map. Map Title: Prison Break Storyline:After the war,a new breed of...
i posted this on bungie.net
thanks for the suggestion but im not going to flood it with pics,most people are asking for more to get a better image.
im adding more pics today
map looks boring