no he still had 75-50 percent overshield :( and the reason the gameplay wasnt amazing is becauser i wasted it all on other not so good tages
Sorry it has disbanded but you can add me at DeMoNiiiCz if you need someone to play matchmaking/customs with :0 cuz id be happy to
YouTube - DeMoNiiiCz+InFeRnO tWo Dualtage please rate and comment on the video and improvements i could make AND YES I KNOW PHURION ALREADY USED...
thanks phrost ill keep that in mind lol reload adhd?
thankyou i will keep that in mind
shakeing the screen did not help much at all, it actully made it quite anoyying. same goes for slo-mo it was for music sync!! Thankyou...
Some Clips are used more than once YouTube - Supertage 2.2 YouTube - What I've Become MontageHD HD YouTube - Minitage YouTube - What I've Become...
thnks i know but i did it to keep it synched
YouTube - Get Off My Nutz if you can please rate comment and/or subscribe
Outside Orbital [IMG] Tin cup on sandbox [IMG]
yes could you please post or message it to me! please!!!!
WOW! you guys are nice
its k i made the map in 2 sec but it works, how to make it work was what I focused on but thankyou
thankyou Edit:video dissapeared for some reason so heres a link to it on you tube...
Blackout Sky name Guide (With Map and INDEPTH VIDEO) Some of the different outcomes [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
I am in the making of a newer montage which will have high quality
my bad if I try to make some cool pics and happen to use something that is commonly used for pictures coughjerkcough
I am..........Worship me *EVIL FACE*
WIERD thats exactly what I said when I took it my friend also said the same:lol: