DimmestBread is absolutely right, if I'm ticked off I go play a shooter and I'm fine and good to go (although there are some kids who act...
I think metric is better for larger measurements and liquids mainly because it is just multiples of ten, but I think inches and feet are better...
I just searched halo 3 maps on google and looked around then I came across Forgehub and I love it and have told many people.
I've found that power weapons make or break the map. For example if there s only one power weapon on a map all you or a team has to do is hold...
Zelda OoT is probably the best, I downloaded it on my Wii and still play it alot. Smash Bros is probably second on my list.
Its ok, I think the previous versions home page was better, it didn't have just one announcment, and finding and looking at maps has changed alot....
I don't think Ghosttown will be that great for forging due to the fact that it looks very enclosed and the ground looks very hilly. Blackout will...