YES!! I finally got my BC expansion...So I might try and make a toon on your server...=D Yay blood elf pallys!
Blegh. I'll try and make one in a few weeks. I'm not partial to horde, only race I like are the blood elves, and even then, only paladins and hunters.
I feel sad now...All of you are Horde...And on a different server. Does anyone have an alliance on Draka? Or could you guys at least tell me what...
Forgegasm much? When I first saw the trailers for FarCry 2, I thought it looked good, but I always heard these great stories about how my friends...
Liftoff? What? This is the first thing I thought of when I read the topic: [IMG]
I hate all of you. The four games I want to get are: Fracture Fable II Gears of War 2 Dead Space Fable and Dead Space are the two games I want...
Definitely did not expect this many replies so soon....=D I love infection, if you can get a good game going, you are officially God. Love...
Hey there, everyone! I'm slayking44. My gamertag's that, and if you ever see that or Baordis on a website, there's a 90% chance it's me. I'm just...
It would be amazing if we got a new piece of armor. Do you realise that Spartans have nearly twice as many armor permutations as the Elites?...
Well, from what I've seen from the achievements Bungie put in the update, I've got this weird idea that Longshore might actually, finally, be a...
Wow. This map looks amazing. This has to be the first map I've seen here that has a waterpipe structure in it, and if you can get on that...
Rethink the trip mine!!! It took me about 5 seconds, in a slayer game, to get the thing off the tracks and get in the turret. Mabye replace it...
Epic ftw'ness! I've got it set as my background, I liked it so much..
You should have had two people from different teams, driving at a checkpoint, passing someone from their team. "I'm on ur mongose, steelin ur...
I'MMA...Wait...Throwin mah lazah..? No..That's not right. Oh well, whatever. I'MMA THROWIN' MAH LAZAH!!! Or, EAT MAH STICKEH!!
Plus Rep, and a download. One of the coolest screenshots i've seen. It surpasses most of the ones they've on the bungie favorites.
*sigh*...None of my other friends can come close to finishing this map. I'm the only one who can get through...
This makes me think of the map: "The Eye".. The Eye makes use of Cold Storage..Since Eyeball 3000 can follow invisible people. So, infected follow...
That was the coolest obstacle course ever, no lie. I could actually complete it....unlike others....I'm going to be taking several major parts...
This looks amazing. What got me first was the actual thread name....Ninja. ^_^. I love ninjas. And then, I actually saw the map. This has got to...