Might a suggest a fridge next?
Infection games on default maps... Where's the love? The love? the love?
IMO... As long as there is a zombies gametype... there will never be a *perfect* balanced map+gametype combo...
There I was... hopes higher than a kite... Now here I am... broken hearted and ready to kill myself... DAMN YOU RICK ASTLEY!
That frame curve caught me off-guard... I now have a sore leg and a scaped elbow... But that doesn't destroy the fact that this is quality...
Foundry is never dull for me because every time someone loads a new map, its like opening up a christmas present! Either: 1.) the gift sucks...
Someone mentioned it at Halogrid.com So here I am ^.^
My name is TruToast and I am very excited to be here. I can't wait to get more involved with your community and (maybe one day) become a guilder...