lol i was just making a map like this with the ship hovering above and a grav lift to take you up into the ship. Needless to say mine is pretty...
I dont know about them not being good for an competitive play style the Needle rifle and plasma pistol are excelent weapons for competitive play....
No i was hopping that buy putting a little out there i could mabye spark some issues or just get some one to add to it. The complete comminty...
Ok I'm wanting to make a complete community guide to forging a map. If you post in respones to this pls Add something. My plan is to take the best...
Most of my cover is on the bottom of the map. i wanted the people who take the high route to have a risk reward kind of relationship with it....
this Map looks realy good. I tried to make a map like this once and i must say you did a great job of getting all the routes nice and neat. when i...
Ok i know what your thinking i already saw this map an it was bad. Ok i got it and im hoping by the time im done it a very good competitive map....
One thing i noticed is that placing alot of spawns will cause frame rate issues. typcially i only have frame rate issues in forge world but in...
nice astectics the maps looks great but looks kinda unbalanced with the 1 wraith vs 2 cobras(if that thier name) if one team was able to jack the...
Go to and create and account This is a link to the contest rules MLG Map Submissions - Major League Gaming Forums This is a link to...
Actually i was thinking about doing some leveling to the striats on the side closer to the base so that its easier to get out of your base while...
Yeah i didnt think it turned out to great myself. It kinda hard to get things looking great with such a low buget. Im not exactly sure what you...
so can you travel across the top in the vehicals cause that would be really sweet it you could travel the top while in a vehical while everyone...
This is a map i made as a hobby. I plan on submitting it to the mlg contest but don't really think it will win. My thoughts on designing this map...
Yeah there a few power weapons that why i swittched out the rockets with a laser. I actually don't consider the GL a power weapon unless you have...
Brace larges and ramp inclines make good streets.
Dynamic is good in some sense i like the idea of having things going on around me. Like in MW2 spec ops when you do a couple of missions you can...
I remeber readin a post about MLG and one guy said that The MLG people were looking for maps made under 5K so i though a challenge make a top...
Thank's for downloading if you ever get a game in let me know how she handles i'm alway curious as to what people think and finding new ways to...
Hey great looking Map looks kinda small is it. I not a huge fan of small maps but if the map is a fairly medium sized map i beleive it would be...