i very much agree... and you dont put it in the sky bubble, put it in the crypt... and to headless barbie...there is a better one on FH... oh and...
From my understanding customs are in there as the OS because MLG determined that the OS was too powerful to have in the game so instead of...
Please embed your pics because there will be some retard that comes along and be like "The pic is too small!!!! why do you have just one...
Its territories not capture the flag...lol
he says that a show starts in 90 seconds in the description
ive seen alot of warlock remakes but ive def. seen better than this...good start though
boring....looks like it'd be fun for a little then it would just get redundant
I agree...
Hey there's no "A" in sword...and this doesn't look very well done...looks like it was put together in an hour or two...no interlocking and the...
This is a fresh new taste to Foundary...most posts are very squar-ish...looks like a solid map...it still baffles me how people can spend so much...
I think these maps and puzzle maps take the most skill to make, but puzzle maps frustrate me because they use so many different and new glitches i...
Pics r broken
You could make the grav lift spawn quicker than the barrier, but i know that the barrier doesn't respawn untill its totaly destroyed so try...
Maybe its because there isn't enough room to spawn some objects...Like when you try to spawn something but a permanent wall is too close and then...
Re: Millennium Falcon Dude building the Death Star would be Amazing but due to buget problems and lack of space, it would have to be very watered...