[IMG] I recently returned to ForgeHub after a long hiatus (wasn't much point in coming when I didn't have Halo anymore.) To reflect coming back...
I have come down with a severe case of writer's Forger's Block. What stinks even more profusely is that I have just started the map, and have no...
I know a lot of people think that the upcoming map might be a Forge based map, I personally hope it is, but judging by the sketch posted on...
Hello, any person who reads this. I am desperately trying to get a map design going so I can post something on here I am proud of. (The other map...
A screenshot from my pre-Xbl days. when I only played campaign. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20597208 [IMG] Please comment
Map Title: Clutter Download Map Description: [IMG] Equipment: -1 bubble shield -1 trip mine -1 gravlift -2...