Im still having difficulties with this one,.. Is it a Hit or Miss Trial/Error Kind of glitch? Or is there a way to perfect it everytime? E.G....
File Location: Slot Number 5 Description: Competitive Symmetrical Map. Easy to get in the bases, creates fun fast games. The Backdoor Ramps...
I spent ALOT of time blending Immovable objects to get this outcome. I love the main structure, damn near impenatrable so I gave the outside team...
Location on File: FileShare Link, Slot No.5! I love close combat maps just as well as the next guy. I also enjoy vehicle fights and...
I dont know what im doing wrong? but everytime I try to load CTF or Assault game ends in a Tie b4 it begins. pointers? what are the requirements...
Description: Mansion made with Objective gametypes in mind. Mainly a Slayer, One Flag, and One Bomb map. Download Source:Fileshare Slot No.6...
ClanTage Vol2 Sometime GeeVee doesnt load properly, so scroll down if it appears blank,... feedback welcome! Nothing spectacular in this, just...
Thought I'd spread this around some,.. Im rather proud of it... Video: Link1 : Link2 :...