Foun-dry Final EDIT: Please, I do appreciate good reviews and criticism. So please, if you see this message, post something that will help me...
v1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] I made this for myself, as a little Photoshop test (I'm new here, don't eat me) but I probably won't use it. I coloured the...
Heya. I bought Counterstrike from Electronic Boutique a few days ago, and I heard that I can run GMod 9 (or whatever the free one is) just by...
For a while, I've been wanting to play Garrys Mod, Counterstrike, etc. but I never had either a Steam account or a PayPal account. Now, my friend...
Okay, firstly, in Forge, Bungie had the smart idea of instead of putting in an undo button, or something equally useful, they decided to put in...
Look, I'm bored, it's raining, I'm hungry, and I decided to write this. It's not immersing, it's not funny, it's just the product of my bored...
[IMG] "For use with Conquest v3, CTF, and Team Slayer. 4-6 players." This is an updated version of my map, Porq. I have used most of the...
As a relatively new person to computer gaming, I don't really have the best computer. I have a good graphics card, sound system, but my computer...
[IMG] "For use with Conquest v3, CTF, and Team Slayer. 4-6 players." My newest map, Porq. This is my fifth map contribution to Forgehub....
Please don't eat me if this is the wrong section, but I'm wondering...where could I get a nice, bland text type? Not curly, not the same style as...
[IMG] Deploy!
Foun-dry - For use with Multi-flag and Slayer. How original is that name? Lolz. Anyways, this is my sixth map here on Forgehub, and I hope...
Well, only a few weeks later I have fixed a few aesthetic problems, a few gameplay problems, and a few just general breaking problems. By the way,...
Has anyone else tried this before? I have only started doing this is in the past couple of months, but I find it to be easy to get the hang of,...
Uh, my latest map... I thought of the wierdest, cool sounding name, and came up with... OPUS! Weapons: Assault Rifle x1 Magnum x1 Plasma...
I was bored, and I remembered my art teacher talking about neoplasticism. For those who don't know what it is, here is an example. Here is the...
NeEd'S MoAr InTeRlOcKiNG. After the stunning success of Output v1 (sarcasm) I decided to update the map, and give it a interlocking makeover....
Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Intro: This is my second map on Forgehub, and it took me two days to...
I am just posting this to just see what people think. I really suck at GIMP, I don't know how to use renders or anything, so this is what I came...