Don't know if anyone has posted or seen it yet, but the first (as far as I know) review of Reach is out, by IGN!!! I won't post anything besides...
Same Style as the Halo sig I just made... still getting back into this, but I think I am definitely getting back into this and such. Either way,...
I don't know what to call this sig, but I'm proud of it. Second sig back, and I think I'm starting to re-get the hang of it lol... [IMG]
Actually I'm not sure this is the first one I have made this year... I can't remember when the last one I made was, but it was certainly a long...
Hi. I'm a guy who used to frequent these forums... Just felt like saying hi, because I've been incredibly inactive in the last 5 months, and I...
[IMG] I think I did horrible here on flow now that I look at it... CnC
[IMG] Still working on getting back into this. I wanna start to get a new style lol...
So I seem to have a pattern of making lots of sigs, then stopping for a few months, then starting again. So since October, I havent done anything,...
Dont Question me lol. I just like these stocks I have from Halo. [IMG]
I feel like you've made me gifts in the past, and I don't think I've ever made one for you! That upset me, so I made this for you Knight. I also...
I tried another Pop out lulz... [IMG] Honestly, I did it only cause hes a bamf. A picture of just him and no BG or effects would be better than...
**** do I hate the armor, but damn if I dont look good in this pic. ;D And yea, Knight inspired me to make a pop out sig. XD My first one since...
[IMG] ?
Tried a sig without halo lol... experimented a bit... I hated how not vibrant it was though, and I couldnt get the color to be more vibrant in a...
Not sure on this one... [IMG]
So I made a tutorial for my style after requests. [spoiler] I put it in spoilers cause its large lol [IMG]
[IMG] I borrowed a style idea that Jugg has been using recently, and put the little lightning thingys in this one. Although it is sorta bright,...
Well if you've read any of mine or Jugg's recent sigs, you'll know that we've been doing a lot of Halo photoshoots to get great stocks. I think we...