Foundry Tunnels Created by: HalfBrian Download link is at the bottom of this post. Supported Gametypes: FT Multi Flag FT Neutral Bomb...
Hi everyone, I know we already have that voting booth, but I really just wanted to encourage everyone to vote (for whomever you think). So...
Forge Challenge Created by HalfBrian Supported Gametypes: Forge (Default Settings) Map Description Forge Challenge is a special map in which you...
I was making my most recent map recently and had to sink a wall into the base area of Foundry. To do this, I set the surounding walls & two...
I was wondering which custom FX you use the most (if you use a combo, vote for those) I personally like gloomy & juicy combo the most (esp. on...
Hello everyone, My name is Brian (GT: HalfBrian) and I like to forge maps (esp. Avalanche). I want to thank everyone that has made a map and...