Elite Forgers - Portal Hi ther it's CAMEL ASSASSYN and im just telling every one that here is the link to Fullbash,and My site asking people to...
[IMG]This is very creepy hahahaha:squirrel_eyebrow: you may have seen this before and im not taking creed cause it realy is not mine but look at...
1.Xbox360 2.PS3 3.PS2 4.Xbox 5.WII 6.PSP 7.Nintendo DS 8.Game Cube 9.PS1 10.Nintendo 64
I'm sorry I have not been posting my upcoming game reviews I havn't had the time and I will start posting my reviews soon untill then I have 2...
sorry i waited so long to post but this is vegas is coming out 09 it is about a broke man who gets in to a money making spot gta 4 is so...
playing and playing and never winning at halo 3,if so you suck...SORRY OK.but on the other hand not long till Halo Wars and Rainbow Six...
First is the new ALIENS colonial marines game coming next year it is a game based on the movies from 1986...The main memo for this game is PEACE...
Halo 3 or Call Of Duty4 Gears Of War or Bioshock Naruto or Mass Effect You dont have to but I would like you choses of the one of each in the...
Did you know bugie is puting more new map packs out and far cry has a map editor almost like forge mode....Pluse the new GEARS OF WAR 2 is coming...
If you wher me would you chang from camel assassyn to CrAb C8k3 just to be in a clan with you friends in real life? :squirrel_grouphug:
when it comes out witch should i get GEARS OF WAR 2 or RAINBOW SIX VEGAS 2
Hi i am camel assassyn and this site is so sweet i have leand many many thing about forging things i didnt know.I have been registerd for one day...
:squirrel_grouphug: :squirrel_hug::squirrel_jaffa:please make another race map :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_chatting: