How you move around and traverse a map has always been super important in halo. This thread is for sharing and discussing tactical jumps, spots...
Blaze submitted a new map: Gallows - 4v4-6v6 multi-flag CTF map designed for an interesting interactions and well balanced gameplay between...
I had an idea to make a interactive floor plan imagine for a post, thought it'd be cool but I have no idea where I can do it besides on realty...
(Updates in comment section) With Halo 5 well on it's way and due to my current break from forging. I've decided to deeply plan out a few maps of...
First off I want to say congrats to everyone making it into the HCS candidates for season 2. After all the sweat that went into recreating Dispute...
Blaze submitted a new map: Dispute. HCS - Redeisgned, redesign version of Dispute. A symmetrical 4v4 ctf arena style map designed for tournement...
Lavish. Whos Blaze Lavish was designed early on into this 1v1 contest though I never got around to doing anything more than testing an unfinished...
Imfamous. Whos Blaze Imfamous is a design I had sitting around for a good while and last minute decided to throw it together and test it this...
Coda. Whos Blaze As soon as I heard about the 1v1 contest I started Coda. Though it's not the prettiest map, I worked hard to make a fun and...
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this because I'm sure I'm not the only one messing around with switch based spawn systems. Is it...
Found this the other day while playing the beta and wanted to share it with all of you. This jump is possible in both blue and red yard but is...
ADamnCivilian and I made this to say merry christmas to everyone! The tree has working lights, theres snow falling outside the window from the...
After month of planning, prebuilding, building and rebuilding, Dispute is finally here. Designed by myself (whos blaze) and forged by...
I put a lot of work into this video. I hope everyone enjoy! [MEDIA] If you have any questions or comments, leave them here on in the comments of...
Trying to make a map as simple as possible yet still complex enough to keep it from feeling plain, I've come up with Ruckus. It originally didn't...
Scatter-ball is a project I've been working on for awhile now. A few months ago it was a lot more complex but had a few bugs. With the ricochet...
[IMG] [IMG] Just a little teaser for you guys. Sadly this may not make a full release due to my xbox not reading my disk but I will release a...
[IMG] Designed by myself and forged by BWG assassin and I. Continuum is a 4 way symmetrical map with double lifts on each side. The main bases...
[IMG] Corporation is a hold out flood map build for the Last Stand gametype. Make sure your team spreads out and cover all the doorways. [IMG]...
[IMG] Deceiver is a 1v1 map with long, dangerous lines of sight on the top floor and safer close quarters routes on the bottom used to easily and...